Are you interested in serving your community as a Board Member of Cedar Park Neighbors?

Cedar Park Neighbors holds yearly elections in April for Executive board and At-Large Board members. As a board member, you will promote the overall welfare of our community through board participation and committee responsibilities. You can find more information about each role in our By-Laws

General Info:

  • You must be a member of Cedar Park Neighbors to run and vote in the election. Join here.

  • You must live or work inside of Cedar Park Neighbor Boundaries. See the map.

  • Executive board members (President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP) serve one year terms.

  • At-Large board members serve two year terms.

  • Board members are required to join a committee.

  • We hold meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month (except for August).

  • Elections are held at our April meeting.


Please fill out the nomination form by April 1st.