Cedar Park Zoning News

This post originally ran in the September 2012 Cedar Park Neighbors newsletter. Didn't receive a newsletter? Consider becoming a member of Cedar Park Neighbors by clicking here. Maureen Tate, CPN Zoning Committee

The CPN Zoning Committee took a brief respite in August after a very active year and to rest up for what will surely be another. The new City of Philadelphia Zoning Code went into effect on August 22. While the new code will resolve much confusion and ambiguity in the old code, the new code will likely present initial challenges as all parties make adjustments to new processes. The new code calls for the establishment of Registered Community Organizations (RCO’s) to represent community concerns before the ZBA. RCO’s were required to meet particular criteria and make a formal application to the Philadelphia Planning Commission. CPN met the criteria and was approved as an RCO to represent our community on zoning matters within our established boundaries.

The following issues have been considered by the CPN Zoning Committee in recent months.

  • 4925 Pentridge St. --  An application to convert a large former industrial building into individual studio/workshop spaces was granted by the ZBA. CPN entered a letter of support.
  • 5027 Baltimore Ave. -- Application for a take-out certificate for proposed gourmet hot dog/sandwich business with 4 dwelling units in an existing structure was granted by the ZBA. CPN entered a letter of no objection.
  • 4907 Catharine --  An application for a take-out certificate for a counter service vegetarian café with smoothie bar was granted by the ZBA. CPN filed a letter of no objection.
  • 5114 Hazel Ave -- A hearing before the ZBA on an application for a conversion from single family to a triplex was scheduled for July 18. Following notice of objection by many neighbors and a letter of objection by Cedar Park Neighbors, the applicant sought and was granted a continuance until September 19 at 5:00 pm. CPN is seeking to clarify the applicant’s intent and will attend the continuance hearing.
  • 5016 Walton --  An application for legalization of a two family dwelling was granted by the ZBA. CPN filed a letter of no objection.
  • 5103 Pentridge St.  --  CPN received notice of intent regarding an application for a use permit for a banquet hall that will also serve as meeting facility for girls mentoring program. There is no hearing scheduled at this time. The Zoning Committee will work with neighbors to schedule a meeting so the applicant can present about the proposed use to local residents.

Note: The CPN Zoning Committee generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. (Sept. meeting will be held Wed., 9/19) If you have questions about any of these issues or are a CPN member interested in serving on the committee please contact the committee at: contact@cedarparkneighbors.org