New Year’s Resolution: CPN Membership Switches to Calendar Year

By Laurie Friedman, Membership Committee Chair At our last CPN Board meeting, a resolution was passed changing the terms of CPN membership. Effective immediately, all CPN memberships will run on a calendar year: January 1st through December 31st. We are hoping this will make it easier for everyone to maintain their status as active. The CPN Membership Committee will conduct an annual membership drive in November and December to remind everyone. Anyone whose membership has been renewed this year will not have their membership expire until 12/31/12. Please let us know if you have any questions about this.

Also, if you are interested in joining one of CPN’s committees or have a question about the status of your membership, please email so we can connect you to the committee chairperson. The membership committee is also looking for new members and ideas; any and all are welcome! Remember, to join or renew your membership online, please go to Thanks so much for all of your support!