Board members attending:  Karen Allen, Monica Allison, Mahari Bailey, Dorothy Welch Berlind, Meg Ferrigno, Michael Froehlich, David Hincher, Lisa Johanningsmeier, Shawn Markovich, Sara Nissley, Mavil Spence, Saba Tedla, Ana Lisa Yoder.  

Board members with excused absence:  Sean Dorn, Laurie Friedman, Theresa McCole Manzi, Ray Murphy, Beverly Rouse.


Board members absent:  Algernong Allen, Marcus Presley, Courtney Walton.


Guests:  Seth Budick, UCD; Rich Freeh, School of Design, Penn; Anna Straight, Soccer Shots; Adam Ritter and Dennis Hewlett, business people interested in our neighborhood.


Michael opened the meeting at 7:40.  Guests and Board members introduced themselves.  The Board approved the minutes of the September meeting.




Michael introduced Anna Straight of Soccer Shots, a soccer program for children  from two to eight.  Some neighborhood parents have expressed interest in having this program in CedarPark.  Anna handed out materials and took questions from Board members.  She will follow up with us if it seems likely that CedarPark might be a good location for the program.


Karen presented the Treasurer’s Report, and the Board accepted it.  She informed the Board that she will be transferring funds from the Vanguard bond fund to the checking account to cover expenses.   She further presented a closeout report on the DCED grant received in 2008.  The initial grant application proposed community outreach through use of a display window near Baltimore and 50th Street, but this project bogged down.  CPN instead produced a newsletter to be distributed not just to members but to the entire neighborhood.  Karen’s draft of the closeout report proposes return of 3332.59 due to the bogged down project; the expense for the community wide newsletter was 3984.18.  Michael enlisted Ana Lisa to work with Karen in crafting a request to allow substitution of the newsletter expense for the display window expense.   The purpose is the same, and this kind of expense is usually seen as legitimate.




Contributions to other organizations:  Michael reported that other community associations go from A to Z in this matter:  Queen Village has  60,000 in income from parking lots acquired during the negotiations around interstate 95 coming through the neighborhood years ago; Spruce Hill owns a building; Powelton Village does not make contributions  The Board engaged in lively discussion about CPN’s possible policy.  The Board voted that we would like to contribute to others, but doing so will be contingent on fundraising for that specific purpose.


Monica reported that UC Green is asking all of the community organizations in University City for year end contributions; she will follow up on this request with the new policy in mind.


Michael reported that we should hear about our IRS status by the end of October.


Michael reported for Ray regarding the survey on the future of CedarPark.  The survey is closed; Ray wrote a piece for the newsletter about results.  Members of the working group will be analyzing data for a final report for the November  community meeting.


Community Meeting:  Michael has drafted a flyer for the November 8 meeting, as well as a letter to businesses specifically inviting them to come.




Development Impact Task Force:  David reported that the task force has not met.


Scholarships:  Dorothy reported for Laurie that the committee is looking toward the December care package project.


Block Organizing:  Meg reported that the committee is working on the Block Leadership event scheduled for Calvary Jan 12.


Zoning:  Michael reported that he attended the Zoning Committee meeting for the first time and suggested that all Board members attend at least once; he found the experience enlightening.  Shawn reported that a community meeting was held for the 5100 block of Pentridge regarding a proposal for a banquet hall on the block.  She has a mentorship program for girls and wants a way to fund it.  Around 20 people attended the meeting at Wayland Baptist—the response was negative.  Folks liked the mentorship program, but not the banquet hall.  Lisa reported that Philly Flavors will not locate at 46th and Cedar as Nick Lai is considering his own shop on that property.  Shawn reported that classes are being offered for RCO’s to learn the new zoning code; the committee requests that CPN fund $160.00 for this purpose.  Each class is $160.00; Shawn and Maureen will attend and will cover half the expense.  The Board approved this request.


Communications and membership:  Monica reported that the committee is looking for a sponsor for the community wide newsletter.


Education:  Sara and Monica reported that the committee will resume work in January.


Jazz:  Monica applied for a grant from the PA Council on the Arts.


Holiday Baskets:  Dorothy reported that Joanne and Victoria are hard at work; there will be a piece and an appeal in the community wide newsletter.


Michael was obliged to leave the meeting and Vice President Monica Allison took charge.



First Thursday:  no report.


UCD quarterly Board meeting and the UCD State of University event:  Dorothy reported on both.




Sara announced that the Cedar Works is about three quarters finished; a construction party is scheduled for this coming Saturday.  The project is 15,000 square feet; a potter has committed to a studio, as well as a therapist, a painter and framer, a photographer, and Training For Change will use the Cedar Works as home base.   There are still spaces available.


Adam and Ben introduced themselves; they are in the bar/restaurant business and are considering a location in our neighborhood.  Board members had suggestions, and they asked interesting questions.


Monica adjourned the meeting at 9:30.


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Welch Berlind, Secretary