Let’s have a conversation … What would you like to see on Baltimore Ave., 49th – 52nd Streets? Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) is hosting a conversation about Baltimore Avenue and we hope you will participate.  We have been working hard with others on neighborhood improvements. However, the portion of Baltimore Ave., 49th St. – 52nd St., once a thriving business district, has fallen on hard times.  What improvements do you imagine for this area of our community?  We are seeking input through this questionnaire and a series of community workshops.   CPN is pleased to be working with the Community Design Collaborative, a volunteer based community design center, on this listening process with community residents, businesses and organizations.

Let us know your thoughts. Please print out this questionnaire and return by Feb 20th - or better yet, bring it with you to the to the Informational Meeting on Feb 17th at 7pm at the People’s Baptist Church, 5039 Baltimore Avenue.

CPN submitted a proposal to the Community Design Collaboration (Collaborative), a volunteer based community design center that provides pro bono preliminary design services to nonprofit organizations.  We are pleased the Collaborative has decided to work with us in conducting a listening process with community residents, businesses and organizations about what we would like to see on Baltimore Avenue from 49th St. – 52nd St.  The Collaborative provides a team of architects and planners who will listen to input from the community in order to generate a consensus on priorities for improvements for these three blocks.  The Collaborative previously worked with neighbors in a similar process to develop a design for the newly renovated Cedar Park at 50th Street, now once again a much enjoyed community green space.


There will be one information meeting and two open community workshops.  The Collaborative team will listen to ideas from neighbors, business and organizations and then take our ideas and produce a set of conceptual designs.  The designs are only for the purpose of envisioning and clarifying possibilities, imagining what could be.  These designs could involve ideas for new businesses, use of vacant land, housing, streetscape or other thoughts that come from participants.   This is only a listening process.  There are no investors or funding sources to implement the concept design that we come up with.   However, once neighbors get talking, there may be interest in forming a group to make some parts of the community’s vision a reality.


January:  Conversations with neighbors, businesses, and stakeholders along the three blocks of Baltimore Avenue to invite participation.

Wed, February 17, 7pm: Information meeting about the process.

Wed, February 24, 7pm & Sat, February 27, 10am: (Choose one) First community workshop with the Community Design Collaborative for people to voice their hopes and concerns.  This is a key meeting for your voice to be heard.  Choose one date.

Wed, April 21, 7pm & Sat, April 24, 10am: (Choose one) Second community workshop when the Collaborative will present their draft design(s) for comment and feedback.   Choose one date.

June- June: The Collaborative writes a final report.  CPN hosts presentation to community.

Note: All meetings will be held at People’s Baptist Church, 5039 Baltimore Avenue.


What are we asking of you?

  • Participate in one information meeting and two community workshops.
  • Begin talking now with neighbors about what you imagine as improvements to these three blocks -  the buildings, the land, stores, streetscape etc.   What would you like to see?  What would you not like to see?

-       Residential use? Row homes or multistory? Small businesses?  A large chain store?

-       Mixed use - stores with housing above?

If there is wide agreement on the concept design, the plans can be used in a variety of ways to generate interest for further public and/or private investments.


Monica Allison, President, Cedar Park Neighbors

267-531-4147 or  contact <at> cedarparkneighbors <dot> org