President’s Message

by Monica Allison Happy New Year Everyone!  I hope that you enjoyed your holiday season with family and friends.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long and we are back to business.

In December we held our community meeting which focused on the 50th anniversary of Cedar Park Neighbors and the 100th anniversary of Cedar Park itself.  We discussed several ideas for a year of celebration beginning Fall, 2010.  It is not too late to get involved.  We need the input of the entire community.  We need your pictures.  We need your stories.  We need trivia.  This is an opportunity for everyone to have a share in something special. Feel free to submit ideas on how we can celebrate these two anniversaries to any of the board members, send an email, drop off a letter, or leave a message.  I am excited about reviewing your ideas.

Also in December, we had our Holiday Basket event.  Thanks to Victoria Iannotta, Joanne Pham and many volunteers, Cedar Park Neighbors was able to provide baskets for nearly 150 families.  (see article)

Looking ahead, we are very excited about our CPN effort to bring together community residents, businesses and organizations for a conversation about Baltimore Avenue from 49th St. to 52nd Street.  We hope many of you will participate.  You can read more about this community conversation in this newsletter.  You can also help the project by returning the important questionnaire included as an insert.  We want to know what you are thinking.

This month, we lost one of the major icons of the Philadelphia political scene, Senator Hardy Williams.  We offer our condolences to Senator Anthony Williams and his family.  Senator Hardy Williams not only helped to shape the political landscape of Philadelphia but he also had a way with the youth in his community.  I went to school not far from his home and he was always mentoring and guiding the youth of Philadelphia.  He will be missed.

Check out our new and improved website, patronize the businesses in our neighborhood, and remember:  There's always something good happening in Cedar Park.