Community residents come together to improve playground at Lea Elementary

Green schoolyards enhance learning and play, provide open space for neighborhoods, and help manage stormwater for the city. Yet many of Philadelphia’s schoolyards are paved with asphalt and surrounded by chain link fencing.

Join the Community Design Collaborative, AIA Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Water Department for a design charrette and public resentation to explore how we can create greener, more sustainable schoolyards in Philadelphia.

The design charrette will focus on two Philadelphia public schools: Lea Elementary School in West Philadelphia and Kelly Elementary School in Germantown. In the process of brainstorming ideas for Lea and Kelly Schools, the charrette will generate design models for greening schoolyards throughout the city. Concepts will be shared with the public and a panel of experts in education, community development, and sustainability.

The public is welcome to attend our presentation on Thursday, May 10, from 4pm-6pm at the Center for Architecture, 1218 Arch Street.  Please RSVP to:

We'd love to see you there.

For more information, please contact Cedar Park Neighbors Vice President, David Hincher, at or visit the Community Design Collaborative's website here.